Friday, January 21, 2011

We're on Re-Nest today! 15 organized offices!

I found out we're featured on RE-NEST today as part of their 15 Fantastic Organized Spaces. Our little Powder Room turned Craft Room made it's way in there. There are some amazing rooms! So if you are looking for some inspiration for some small organized spaces stop by. You can join in the debate. Turns out that my little room is a bit of a hot topic. Some one said
Picture 13 (that's our picture):" 9 pairs of scissors? Really? I don't think this is a well organized room, but rather a well dressed set."
To which someone replyed:
"It does look like everything is exactly in it's spot in the room, and it's not my favourite of the bunch–but it looks like there's a bunch of scrapbooking supplies in there, so those might be different pattern scissors, which is probably a common thing for die-hard scrapbookers :)"

and for the record they are scrapbooking scissors and they do have different edges, geez hahaha. If only she had left out "it's not my favorite of the bunch" but some of those rooms are pretty darn fantastic!

If you've got a minute check it out!



  1. I think it's very well organized -- the fact that it used to be a bathroom, but you HID all the plumbing to make it into a "truly multi-purpose" (hobby/office, + more) room is what makes the transformation even greater!

  2. Ha! Did you SEE the 3rd one? I wouldn't exactly call that one organized! Too funny.

  3. Such a great place to work/craft or whatever you need to do!!!

  4. As a fellow scrapper - I totally get the scissors - but I have to wonder - who in the heck would take the time to count them?

  5. I think it looks great and looks like it works great for you too!

  6. I have followed your blog for a while, and this is absolutely one of my favorite spaces because it shows how much you can do with a small room. Everything has a place! I also love seeing how you are turning your new house into a "home." You have definitely inspired me to be more organized!


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